Open Morning - Wednesday 27th November at 9.30am
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Art & Design Technology
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
Creativity is contagious, pass it on.
—Albert Einstein
All classes experience standalone art and design lessons which focus on developing skills throughout the year groups to ensure that progression is made across the whole school. Art lessons are taught by focusing on the key areas of painting, drawing, sculpture, collage and textiles. We focus on the development of skills which ensures a good range of skills are developed and built upon between the key stages.
Children are encouraged to be creative, explore ideas, evaluate and analyse artwork and record this in their sketchbooks. They learn about great artists and designers of the past and present, exploring cultural and historical influences. We arrange regular trips to Leeds Art Gallery, as well as working with local artists to expose our children to inspiring and exciting experiences. We plan whole school activities such as The Big Draw and Arts Week where we welcome children and parents to participate. Art work is showcased throughout school to celebrate the children’s creativity as well as creating a vibrant learning environment.
All classes experience standalone art and design and design and technology lessons, which focus on developing skills throughout the year groups to ensure that progression is made across the whole school. Art lessons are taught by focusing on the key areas of painting, drawing, sculpture, collage and textiles. Children are encouraged to be creative, explore ideas, evaluate and analyse artwork and they record this in their sketchbooks. They learn about great artists and designers of the past and present exploring cultural and historical influences. We plan whole school activities such as The Big Draw and Arts Week where we welcome children and parents to participate.
Design and technology lessons are taught by focusing on four key areas, which include: investigate, design, make and evaluate. This ensures that regardless of the area of design and technology taught the children have the opportunity to look at already existing products, create their own design title, then reflect, and improve their designs whilst understanding the skills they have developed in each topic. Children will also learn about great artists and designers both past and present and the work that they produced. Design and technology and artwork is showcased throughout school to celebrate the children’s creativity as well as creating a vibrant learning environment.