Reception 2025 Open Morning - Wednesday 8th January at 9.30am - please complete this Google form
Physical Education
This ability to conquer oneself is no doubt the most precious of all the gifts that sports bestows.
—Olga Korbut, Olympic Gymnast
We strongly believe that PE is a major part of the holistic development of our pupils and contributes to the well being and self confidence that pupils carry with them into all aspects of their school life. Through our teaching and learning in PE we aim to improve and develop general fitness and physical competence year by year throughout school.
Being healthy is at the heart of all we do, and we aim for our pupils to leave school well prepared not just for high school PE but with a lifelong love of feeling fit and a wide range of activity experiences to draw upon in their future lives.
Children have a weekly PE lesson of two hours following and extending the ideas in the national curriculum. Skills are progressive and build from general multi sport skills lower down the school such as throwing and catching, running and jumping, into sport specific skills higher up the school, such as different types of netball passes and gymnastics skills like rolls and balances.
These culminate in taking part in internal small sided games such as hockey and football in class and external festivals and competitions, such as cross country, orienteering, gymnastics competitions and netball matches. We provide a wide range of sport and activity experiences and offer an inclusive approach that enables the benefits of physical activity to be accessible to all. Dance is taught through a multi media approach, drawing on input from poetry, video, musical pieces and instruments to develop ideas.
We especially aim to promote qualities of commitment, fairness, enthusiasm and resilience as well as success, and we encourage creativity and self determination through the development of pupils’ own rules and games ideas. We have excellent links with local universities, clubs and coaches, and take part in many experience days, events, competitions and festivals, and we run a variety of dinnertime and after school clubs and teams.
We want children to leave Weetwood with a positive feeling about keeping active and healthy and a solid base of knowledge, fitness and skills to carry into sport both in High School and in community clubs and then further into their adult lives. They should hold a firm belief that being fit and active will benefit their physical health as well as their mental wellbeing.
Teachers will monitor and record each pupil's progress against learning intentions in each topic. Photographs of festivals and lessons and competition results are shared in floor books and on the school social media systems. We have a fully inclusive sports day which showcases skills the pupils have learned during the year in a fun and friendly environment, but with a competitive element.