Reception 2025 Open Morning - Wednesday 8th January at 9.30am - please complete this Google form
Our Curriculum
What do we want to achieve?
The Weetwood curriculum ‘Why we are, where we are!’ aims to equip children for living in a modern world and prepares children to be able to understand and influence the world in which they live. Kindness underpins everything we do. Our curriculum ensures our pupils are equipped for the modern world by focusing on securing a deep understanding of all relevant knowledge and skills. It is designed to have a rigorous focus on developing excellent basic skills in English and mathematics, whilst also developing young people with a clear understanding of the positive role they can play in shaping the diverse world around them. History drives the curriculum focus with a strong link to the history in Leeds.
We want our children to:
Build a community where there is respect, inclusivity, understanding and tolerance.
Develop connections between communities locally, nationally and globally.
Participate in a society where they are active citizens, taking care of the environment and their community.
Make Leeds a safe, clean, green city.
Improve their own physical and mental well-being by taking an active and informed role in all areas of their personal development.
Our curriculum of excellence will ensure children develop as collaborative, resilient, learners who are determined to succeed, as they move from one stage of school to the next, take an increasing responsibility for their learning. Woven through the curriculum are our values that teach the children the knowledge, skills and qualities that will help them be responsible, honest, and trustworthy citizens who can make positive choices and thrive.
Central to our curriculum is our intention for all children to be excellent readers. Books that are high quality in content, cover relevant themes and issues, and feature diverse and relevant characters will be used to drive and inspire our children’s love of reading. Their reading skills will be prioritised as the key that enables them to be successful learners across all aspects of the curriculum.
Our Curriculum will ensure that children are able to be successful in their individual talents. Through carefully chosen projects, exemplary teaching and strong partnerships they will have opportunities to develop creative, sporting, artistic and academic excellence.
How do we organise learning?
At Weetwood our units of work are created with an end point in mind. What we want children to know and do more of by the end of the unit of work, is considered within all the granular decisions required to design a coherent sequence of learning.
Each sequence of lessons is geared towards a clearly defined end point which is that the children are ready for the next stage of their learning. Teachers are clear about prior learning and revisit this with low stakes testing and by combining with a cumulative approach of introducing new knowledge. Teachers are constantly assessing whether or not the new knowledge has been retained before moving on in the sequence of planned lessons.
Many aspects of the curriculum can be explored outside the classroom, within the grounds of the school and beyond. Opportunities to stimulate learning through outdoor learning, visits and visitors are frequent and well matched to intended topic outcomes. They are also planned so they build cultural capital and deepen understanding of everyday, multi-disciplinary and subject specific vocabulary. Within the classroom language rich, purposeful working walls support pupils' activation and recall of current and prior learning.
High-quality texts are sourced to support the learning in each topic area each half term. These texts along with carefully selected knowledge, vocabulary and key skills are prioritised throughout all lessons within units of work in order to promote a coherent thread through the curriculum allowing prior learning to be activated and connections to new learning established.
The curriculum is planned and taught rigorously supporting children to deepen their understanding of key skills, knowledge and vocabulary so that they can be recalled and applied in varied contexts. Children's understanding will be deepened and embedded by skilful questioning and evaluated through diagnostic assessment including regular low stake quizzes and flash back fours. Pupils are given opportunities to revise, practise and apply key skills and knowledge over time. Through skilful questioning, misconceptions are identified and used routinely as starting points for learning ensuring that barriers are addressed at the point of learning and ensuring gaps in learning do not widen.
How do we know we are achieving our aims?
This will focus on how well our intent has been realised. We will use a variety of monitoring and assessment methods to find out whether children know what they are meant to know at specific points during their education.
We evaluate the impact of our curriculum on children through the following accountability measures:
Attainment and progress of children is good or better.
Good behaviour for learning is seen throughout school
Children attend school regularly and are on time for learning
Healthy lifestyle choices (physical & mental) are adopted by children
Children are fully prepared for secondary education
Children are fully prepared for positive involvement in society