Reception 2025 Open Morning - Wednesday 8th January at 9.30am - please complete this Google form
Pupil Absence
If your child is absent from school due to illness please telephone our absence line on 0113 3230450 choosing option 1 to leave a message before 9am to inform us of the reasons for their absence.
This should be done even if you have sent a message to the class teacher via Class Dojo as these message may not reach the school office who chase the absences.
If your child is absent due to sickness and/or diarrhoea please allow 48 hours after the last bout before bringing your child back to school to try to prevent the illness spreading around the school.
If you are unsure whether your child should be kept off school please see the NHS advice here
Other absence
For any other absence not relating to illness please complete the leave of absence form attached or collect one from the school office at least 10 days prior to the absence.