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Relationship, Sex and Health Education.

Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) is lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development.  It is about the understanding of the importance of loving and caring relationships, teaching of sex, sexuality and sexual health.


Our RSHE learning takes full account of the school’s legal obligations and the latest guidance written by the Department of Education, “Primary sex and relationships education policy and guidance 2019”. Taught through our PSHE scheme of work (Jigsaw) and through topics in Science, the children at Weetwood are exposed to relationship and sex education lessons at times when appropriate to the children’s age and development.


Miss Harper is the PSHE leader and is the designated member of staff with responsibility for coordinating RSHE.


RSHE is delivered primarily through the science and PSHE curriculum. This is enhanced through other areas such as RE, where children will reflect on family relationships, different family groups and friendship.  They will also learn about rituals and traditions associated with birth, marriage and death. The RSHE programme is taught by classroom teachers and teaching assistants. If appropriate, outside visitors such as the school nurse may be involved in the delivery of aspects of RSHE, particularly in Key Stage Two.

For the full RSHE policy, please click here.

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